Marche’s Wines

The majority of the vineyards in the marches region have been renovated,
so that part of the wine industry that IMT represents, is modern, quality-oriented and produces excellent wines. Vines are only planted on hilly slopes that enjoy exposure to the sun in the first half of the day.

The patchwork countryside reflects the suitability of the soil and climatic conditions as well as the local skills in viticulture.

How the vineyards are managed today is a result of experience that has been passed down over generations. Viticulture in these three provinces of the Marches region underwent a momentous change after the war with migration away from the countryside to traditional crafts, small and medium-sized industry and more recently, to services.

Only viticulture has guaranteed a living for those who, out of passion or lifestyle factors, decided to build their future working the land, sacrificing the benefits and advantages of city-life.